Omission Pale Ale is the winner for me ~  It’s refreshing and not sweet.


Pale AlePage Ale

Bold and hoppy, Omission Pale Ale is a hop-forward American Pale Ale, brewed to showcase the Cascade hop profile. Amber in color, Omission Pale Ale’s floral aroma is complimented by caramel malt body, making for a delicious craft beer.

MALTS: Pale, Caramel 10, Dark Munich, Carapils
HOPS: Cascade, Citra

IBU: 33
ABV: 5.8%

Silver Medal

Awards: Silver Medal, Gluten Free Beer Category, 2012 Great International Beer and Cider Competition

Product fermented from grains containing gluten and crafted to remove gluten. The gluten content of this product cannot be verified, and this product may contain gluten.

 Omission Beer is not a “gluten-free” beer but a “gluten-removed” beer. They actually make their beer with malted barley and then use a proprietary method using enzymes to remove the gluten.