Protocol to Prevent Cancer Slows Aging

I have had so many people asking me

What can I do to prevent cancer?
There is a lot you can do. The big bonus…. Everything you do to prevent cancer will also help prevent heart disease and slow down the aging process. A win win for ageless health and ageless beauty.
Take 100% responsibility for health

You must take 100% responsibility for you. This may sound so simplistic and common sense, but this is the #1 reason why people age prematurely and why people get cancer. Yes I said it. The #1 reason people get cancer is because they do not take 100% responsibility for their physical, mental, and spiritual well being.

In all fairness, there is a lot of ignorance when it comes to health. Keep in mind the definition of ignorance is “lack of knowledge or information”.

My #1 goal with The Ageless Beauty Report has always been to share Ageless Health and Ageless Beauty knowledge and information so you can be the ageless, healthy, beauty you were born to be.

exercise for health

Taking care of your physical body.imgres
Exercise Yes this is a no brainer, but what you may not realize is that by doing 20 minutes of exercise every day you help oxygenate the blood. You do not have do intense workouts, or marathons to benefit. Walking is great. Cancer can not live in an oxygenated system. Oxygenating the blood will also nourish your skin. Exercise also stimulates the lymphatic system to release toxins. We live in a very toxic world, and must continually detox the toxins out of the body, or they will start to drag down the immune system. Toxins also cause the skin to lose vibrancy. It is detrimental for the body to stay seated at a desk or computer all day. You must get up several times throughout the day and walk, do some stretching or take the stairs.

Get outside – the sun is crucial to your health, yes we have been misinformed about the benefits of the sun. Getting out in the sun is the best way to get your Vitamin D3, which is crucial for a healthy immune system. Most Americans are deficient in Vitamin D3. Read The Healthiest Thing You Can Do For Yourself and It’s Free. You also want to get your bare feet on the ground, in the sand or in the ocean. Known as “earthing” or “grounding” it can lower stress levels, inflammation, and boosts anti-oxidant levels. to learn more Read New Health and Beauty Discovery.

Say No to Toxic Personal Care Products

Read labels.

Hair care
Skin Care
Body Care
If you do not recognize an ingredient it is most likely toxic. Don’t be fooled by price, even the most expensive products have toxic ingredients. Keep in mind that everything you put on your skin, your hair, your nails, will be absorbed into the blood stream.

Toxic overload causes premature aging and weakens the immune system, which in turn allows cancer to grow.

If you read my site, you know that only the purest, most powerful and beneficial skin care products are offered at The Ageless Beauty Store.

Read Ageless Beauty Report Mission

Health Care Advisor/ Doctor – You want someone who is focused on disease prevention. If your doctor has not done a full nutrient panel, saliva hormone panel , as well as conventional blood testing, to check all of your levels, then get a new doctor. These tests are the only way to know if you are low in certain minerals, vitamins, hormones or other factors that are crucial to a healthy immune system. FYI most people are low in Vitamin D3, which is crucial for a strong immune system. Natureopath doctors have been trained in disease prevention.

If you live in the Los Angeles area, I highly recommend Dr. Angela Agrios, a natureopath doctor who specializes in women’s hormones. She is my personal doctor and everyone I have sent to her, loves her.

Vibrant ProduceNutritious food for health

Nutrition – Nutrition is key. Do you get a variety of 10-13 servings of organic raw vegetables and fruits per day? Probably not. Eating plenty of organic fruits and vegetables is extremely important. Conventional farming uses GMO’s, pesticides that have been proven to cause cancer, and petrochemical fertilizers that strip the land of minerals, including Sulfur, one of the most important minerals for preventing cancer and premature aging. More on that in a moment. If you eat meat, it is crucial to buy grass fed, farm raised or wild caught. Conventional meat has hormones and antibiotics as well as the added stress of being fed unnatural food, GMO corn. Read all about the dangers of GMO’s here One way to get more raw organic vegetables in your diet is to make a big salad every day. Include 5 – 8 different vegetables or herbs such as a variety of lettuces, onions, peppers, mushrooms, celery, basil, chives, etc.

Juicing – yes I am a fan of juicing, but it does take a lot of time. Instead you can stop by your local health food store or juice shop. Just make sure they are using organic produce. Did you know that the tumor suppressor gene called P53 has been turned off in most cancer patients? Stress, toxins, weak immune systems may be the cause. Carrot juice will naturally turn P53 back on, but you must drink several glasses a day for several weeks – 3 months depending on the health issue. Read Benefits of Juicing from. Dr. Mercola

Foods to avoid:
Sugar- causes inflammation, which causes premature aging, and feeds cancer
Wheat – has a higher glycemic index than pure sugar.
Non organic fruits and vegetables
Processed food
Peanuts and peanut products (85% of all peanuts even organic peanuts have fungus, which many alternative doctors as well as the Mayo clinic have indicated cause cancer.
Dairy and Meat products -this is a personal choice. I used to think that a vegan diet was the best way to prevent and heal cancer. After in depth research I changed my mind. Some of the most revered cancer doctors in the world, doctors who have many cancer patients that make a full recovery, Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez being one of them, recommend that you eat right for your blood type and metabolic type. They recommend raw unpasteurized dairy products because they still contain all the enzymes needed to digest them. They also recommend organic grass fed meats, organic chicken and wild caught fish.

Did you know that grass fed beef has more omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids than wild caught salmon?

Meditate for health
Taking Care of Your Mental and Spiritual Body
Did you know that the real cause of stress is your thoughts? What you think about an event or situation will determine whether your body experiences stress. Of course there are situations that most everyone would call stressful, the loss of a loved one, job loss, divorce, etc. But there are many situations where we let our thoughts unnecessarily stress the body to the max. For example, you are running late, or you don’t like your outfit, or you let someone’s comment make you angry. All of these things can cause stress on the body.

Chronic stress is a killer. It can deplete the oxygen levels in the cells, create an acidic environment, and weaken the immune system, creating a perfect environment for cancer to grow.

You must also take the time to feed your spiritual body. For me that means meditation and prayer. For others it may mean getting out in nature, or going to church.

One of my all time favorite spiritual practices is gratitude. I start my day every day, writing down 10 things I am grateful for. I highly recommend the book Magic by Rhonda Byrne, a fabulous 28 day guide to developing an attitude and habitude of gratitude.

Read Anti Aging Secret Everyone Can Utilize

Cathey’s Personal Top 5 Supplemental Cancer Prevention/Anti-Aging Protocols.

#1 Probiotics
Do you eat fermented foods such as kefir, sauerkraut, kombucha, or yogart every day? If not you are not getting enough friendly bacteria crucial for a strong immune system. Your immune system is centered in the gut, and if you have ever used antibiotics, been exposed to radiation via x-rays or radiation, your friendly bacteria have been eradicated and your immune system is weakened. Yes most people are walking around with a weakened immune system and don’t even realize it. After all, has your doctor ever reminded you to replenish your probiotics after a round of anti-biotics or surgery or an x-ray? This is #1 on the list, because without replacing the friendly bacteria levels to rebuild the immune system nothing else will be as effective.

I use a brand called Custom Probiotic.
Take 1 probiotic in the morning and one at night for the first 30 days to replenish, and then after that once a day.

#2 Organic Sulfur
Sulfur is a food/mineral that is supposed to be in every fruit, vegetable and meat that we eat. It has been depleted due to farming practices. Sulfur is crucial for normal cell replication (cancer is cell replication gone mad) as well as oxygenating the cells. (cancer can not live in an oxygenated system) Sulfur can also make a huge difference with arthritis. The arthritis in my mother’s hand was so bad she could only start the car using two hands. I put her on the sulfur and within one week her hands were back to normal and she could start the car with one hand.

According to Dr. Jonathan V. Wright, the University of Connecticut Medical School in 2013 found that Sulfur morphed cancer tissue into normal breast tissue. In 2010 the same research team wrote that malignant melanoma cells exposed to sulfur regained normal cell characteristics.

Sulfur will also make your hair, skin and nails more vibrant. Sulfur is MSM, but not all MSM is organic sulfur. You must buy Organic Sulfur or you are wasting your time and your money. I use H20 Air Water America Sulfur.

Take 1-2 teaspoons mixed in 8 ozs. of pure water, preferably alkaline water twice a day. Drink on an empty stomach. Do not put in plastic, use glass. You may experience headaches, even nausea. If so, this is a sign that you have toxins to detox out. You can cut dose in half and work your way back up. If you have any health issues such as arthritis, achy joints, etc, you may need to take more. Keep in mind that Cancer patients work up to 1 Tablespoon 3x a day.

For more information read

Missing Nutrient Crucial for Health and Beauty
Dr. Mercola’s article Sulfur: The Mineral that Helps Fight Fatigue, Stress, Pain, Cancer & Wrinkles Too.
Read what MIT Senior Research Scientist says about sulfur

#3 Barley Power from
Barley power is an easy way to make sure you get enough enzymes and greens in your daily diet. Barley power is barley grass in a convenient tablet form that has been grown and processed to maintain all the nutrition and all 3,000 enzymes needed by the body. Barley power also takes the place of a multi vitamin for the average person. Almost every health issue can be traced back to a lack of enzymes. Remember all enzymes in cooked foods have been destroyed. Barley Power also takes the place of a multi vitamin for the average healthy person

logoI love that this product is so affordable. If you call the company (800) 358-0777 and order 6 bottles at a time you get the absolute lowest price, $21.95 for a 400 tablet bottle.

Barley grass has a PH level of 10, which is extremely alkaline. Cancer can not live in an alkaline system. Barley grass will also detox radiation out of the body. We are exposed to radiation every day, not to mention radiation from mammograms or x-rays.

I personally recommend that you take 4-6 tablets before each meal. I actually carry a small bottle in my purse.
For more information read The True Beauty of Enzymes
To order online go to To get the discount call the company @ (800) 358-0777
#4 Liquid Fish Oil
Do not waste your time taking gel caps.
1 teaspoon of liquid fish oil is equal to 7 – 10 gel gaps.
This will give you your Omega 3 essential fatty acids. In fact Denie Hiestand, world famous healer says that everything you eat needs to be able to convert into an essential fatty acid. Fish oil not only oxygenates the cells it also reduces inflammation, the #1 cause of disease.
We use Carlson’s Orange Flavored Fish Oil. You can get at whole foods or order on amazon.
Take 1 -2 teaspoons in the morning and again in the evening.
Read The Brain Booster Mood Lifter
Read Groundbreaking Study Reveals New Mechanism Behind Fish Oil’s Health from Life Extension
#5 Pau D’Arco Tea
Many people drink tea, so why not drink a super healing tea . This is what my family now does. It taste like regular tea. You can add lemon juice,orange slices or honey for added flavor.

Many alternative doctors as well as John Hopkins and The Mayo Clinic have correlated fungus with cancer. This tea comes from the only tree in the world that does not get fungus. Therefore it gets rid of the fungus in your body, including candida and even that nasty toenail fungus. It takes about 3 – 5 months to get rid of the fungus and you can not continue to do the things that caused the fungus in the first place, such as high sugar consumption and peanut consumption. 85% of all peanuts and peanut products, even if they are organic have fungus.

Another benefit is this tea increases red blood cell production which in turn creates more oxygen in the blood. Remember, cancer can not live in an oxygenated system. Another added benefit, the oxygen boost will nourish your skin for a more youthful look.

You must purchase from The Taheebo Tea Club (818) 610 8088
This is the only pau d’arco tea that I know is 100% pure.
Drink 2 – 8 cups a day. It is naturally caffeine free and safe for all ages.
Make with alkaline water or Spring Water. Do not make in Aluminum pot, only stainless steel. Drink from only stainless steel or glass.
There you have it. This is what I call real health insurance. Only you can take the steps to truly ensure ageless health and beauty.
There are several other protocols that I love.

Pancreatic Enzymes
Herbal Aloe Force
Lypospheric Vitamin C
You can read more about those in Cathey’s Immune Boosting Tips.